
Last Ones

This is it for the mini-sessions for now, I'll post more when the families have seen them all. Thanks for all your nice comments! :)


Insert Snazzy Title Here

I am way too tired to come up with a catchy title for this post. :) So without further ado, here is the first set from our mini-sessions this last weekend to benefit Team Trevor. In no particular order:

I love her little foot pointing.

I think I have never had so much fun at a session as I did at this one. Thanks guys!

It was just me and the kids for this shot; we banished all the grown-ups around the corner!

Hard to believe I taught *B* in Primary, time flies! He is such a handsome guy!

This little cutie was a natural. She was striking poses all on her own!

Ok, so this was technically when I was "testing the lights", but I love her pose and expression.

These two love their baby sister sooo much! I love *A* peeking. :)

Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek!
More sessions coming later, stay tuned!


A New Blog

As you saw a couple of posts ago, my friend Linda has started a cooking class. She now has a blog dedicated to it. Check it out and give her a call to schedule your class!

The Organic Kitchen

I'm Exhausted.

Wow! What a great day we had! Thank you so much to all who made the fundraiser for Team Trevor such a success! We were able to fill all the session spots. I spent a total of about four hours shooting today. My back is killing me! lol. I should be in bed, and so I will sign off for now. Be sure to looks for sneak peeks in the coming days!


Organic Cooking, Anyone?

My friend Linda is starting an organic cooking class. I've taken one of her cooking classes, well worth it, believe me! If you're in the area and would like details, leave me a comment and I will get her info to you!


Team Trevor

I wanted to update you all on the progress of our fundraising for Team Trevor. We have already been able to donate $175! I have only two mini-sessions left for Saturday, April 19th. One at 1:45 and the other at 2:30. The session fee is $75, $25 of which will go to Team Trevor. 20% of your portrait order will also be donated. To reserve either of these sessions please e-mail me at judy@judyphanphotography.com. Additional details can be found at judyphanphotography.com/teamtrevor. Thanks so much!


If I Could Only Photograph Newborns For The Rest Of My Life...

I'd be happy. Isn't she adorable?? She was so mellow. And so poopy. :)

Congrats guys!