I am way too tired to come up with a catchy title for this post. :) So without further ado, here is the first set from our mini-sessions this last weekend to benefit Team Trevor. In no particular order:

I love her little foot pointing.

I think I have never had so much fun at a session as I did at this one. Thanks guys!

It was just me and the kids for this shot; we banished all the grown-ups around the corner!

Hard to believe I taught *B* in Primary, time flies! He is such a handsome guy!

This little cutie was a natural. She was striking poses all on her own!

Ok, so this was
technically when I was "testing the lights", but I love her pose and expression.

These two love their baby sister sooo much! I love *A* peeking. :)
Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek!
More sessions coming later, stay tuned!